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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the origin of Hypnosis?The origin of hypnosis as a therapy can be traced back to the ancient Greek god of medicine Aesculapius. It is linked to temples dedicated to Aesculapius where it was most probably used for curing ills. In current times the word hypnosis still evokes fears and apprehensions.
What is Hypnotherapy or Hypnosis?Hypnotherapy is described as a deep state of relaxation, focussed concentration or a natural anti-depression. It is a voluntary state that you choose to enter in order to achieve a goal. Hypnotherapy is a fast, effective and safe way to eliminate problems which are holding you back. The words Hypnotherapy and hypnosis are used interchangeably. Hypnotherapy is now commonly used in a number of fields including: business, medical, dental, law enforcement, education and professional sports.
How can Hypnotherapy help me?Hypnotherapy can help you eliminate deep rooted issues that lead to illness and addictions such as smoking cigarettes, excessive drinking, overeating, phobias, depression and lack of confidence. It can be very effective to help quickly change habits, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours to achieve a goal. Hypnosis helps you to develop new skills, achieve a sense of well-being and to improve performance in business, sports and academics.
Will I lose control in Hypnosis?No, you will feel empowered to achieve what you desire. In hypnosis you are NOT under the control of the Hypnotherapist. This is a misconception as you are totally aware, in control, can hear and remember everything. You appear to be sleeping as your eyes are closed but in fact you are fully awake and alert. If anything were to make you uncomfortable you would reject it and could open your eyes at anytime. No one can make you jump off a cliff while in hypnosis!!!
Is Hypnosis just a Trick or does it really work?It really works. There is now scientific proof dispelling the old misconceptions previously associated with the practice of hypnosis. The benefits of Hypnotherapy are more widely recognised today as a result of the astonishing results achieved with hypnotherapy. “SCIENTISTS discovered that the way the brain responds to information is actually being changed while in Hypnosis. This is the first conclusive proof that the practice works.”
How does the mind work?The mind operates on two levels, the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious part is where we think, plan, take action and move forward in our lives. The subconscious is where all the automatic functions of the body are monitored. Most of your decisions, actions, emotions and behaviours go beyond your conscious awareness and are controlled in the subconscious mind. Blinking is a subconscious reaction that you do without thinking to keep your eyes hydrated and to protect them if there is a threat. On the other hand winking is a conscious act that you choose to do.
Is there any proof that Hypnotherapy can help you to change?Hypnotherapy gets results. An American study found that hypnotherapy was more effective than psychoanalysis. The results showed that 38% of patients recovered from their condition after 600 sessions of psychoanalysis compared to hypnosis where 93% recovered after only 6 sessions. These statistics not only demonstrate the unquestionable results of hypnotherapy but also its’ cost effectiveness. There is now scientific proof dispelling the old misperceptions formally associated with the practice of hypnotherapy. “Hypnosis really does turn red into white”. “SCIENTISTS discovered that the way the brain responds to information is actually being changed while under hypnosis. This is the first conclusive proof that the practice works.” The Times 18 February 2002 The findings prove that Hypnotherapy has biological as well as psychological effects. They also support the use of Hypnotherapy as a medical tool for treating pain and other disorders.
How does Hypnotherapy work?“Hypnosis is nothing more than the power of suggestion, your imagination and concentration”, says Florence. Generally, the hypnotic state is defined as a state of deep relaxation or focused concentration – a condition akin to being so absorbed in a good book that the outside world seems to fade away. In this state you are more receptive to useful suggestions. A hypnotherapist assists clients to achieve what they already desire, but in a way that’s safe and natural and removes the conscious struggle of willpower and force. You get the information you need very quickly because it goes to the deepest level [the subconscious] and there are no limits. It puts you in touch with yourself–your own inner thoughts. “The great thing about Hypnotherapy is that you don’t have to understand how it works. It is like electricity, when you turn the light switch you don’t wonder how it works – you just expect it to work. It is the same thing with hypnosis, all you have to do is expect it to work and welcome the positive suggestions and it will work naturally”.
How does it feel to be in Hypnosis?Although in hypnosis you are in a deep state of physical relaxation, you are mentally much more alert than in your normal state of awareness. You actively participate in the therapy and thus hear and respond to everything. You are in complete control and will instantly reject any suggestions which make you uncomfortable. When you come out of hypnosis you are more likely to have a positive attitude, feel deeply relaxed and emotionally focused.
Can anyone be Hypnotised?Hypnosis is a natural state of mind. It is a voluntary state that you choose to enter in order to achieve a goal. In general, anyone who can daydream can be hypnotised and achieve successful results provided you have the desire to do so. The only exceptions are those who suffer from a serious mental disorder or are under the influence of drugs, alcohol or any other type of mood altering substance.
Is Hypnotherapy safe?Hypnotherapy is completely safe. When you are in hypnosis you are in a heightened state of awareness and are very alert. You can terminate the session at any time and cannot get stuck in this state. Also, no-one can make you do something against your will. It is an extremely relaxing and pleasant experience. It is however advisable to select a therapist who has the proper training, experience and is a member of a leading association such as The National Council for Hypnotherapy.
How successful Hypnotherapy?Hypnotherapy was proven to be the best method to stop smoking according to an in- depth study of all methods for stopping smoking by New Scientist magazine in 2002. Studies have shown that hypnosis reduces stress and has a real practical value to patients facing surgery and regular practice helps you improve performance. Results do vary from client to client depending on the technique used by the Hypnotherapist and the client’s personal commitment.
Why is it hard to quit smoking?Many of you cannot bear the thought of quitting because you focus on the withdrawal symptoms you may experience as a consequence of eliminating nicotine. It may be that you experienced horrible cravings, bad temper or extreme anxiety when you quit previously. I often hear clients say that they can’t stop smoking because they have no willpower. Habits are controlled in the subconscious, and we need to access your subconscious to find the file that controls your smoking habit and eliminate it. The subconscious is like a filing system that holds all of your memories and experiences. It’s comparable to deleting any faulty programmes in your computer and replacing them with programmes that dramatically improve the performance. A habit is an established behaviour pattern that becomes hardwired in our brain. When you first started smoking you made the conscious decision to smoke because you wanted to smoke. You have control over the habits that you want to adopt and can easily choose to avoid certain habits like smoking. If, however you decide to smoke you quickly acquire the habit because cigarettes can be just as addictive as cocaine. Once the smoking habit is established you are driven by a powerful compulsion to smoke. It is not that you are weak-willed you are doing it almost instinctively. To break a habit like smoking according to the psychologist Skinner, it is essential that you focus on the rewards of quitting. These may include having more energy, sleeping well, getting your health back or having fresh breath.
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